
Where To Find Agates In Duluth Mn

Throughout geologic time, Minnesota's landscape has undergone many changes. At times, loftier mountains lined the horizon. Later, vast seas engulfed the region. Still later, great sheets of ice covered the state. All of these environments are recorded in the rocks and sediments found around the land.

The following is a summary of the major stone types establish in Minnesota in approximate chronologic social club. Please note that a specific stone formation (if named) may not be the only case of a particular stone blazon in the country.


Some of the oldest rocks in the globe include the gneiss establish in the Minnesota River valley. The Morton Gneiss, which is 3.six billion years old, is a coarsely crystalline, foliated metamorphic rock. The texture and mineral assemblage of the Morton Gneiss give clues as to how the stone formed. The fact that information technology is a crystalline rock with big visible grains indicates that it cooled or recrystallized slowly beneath the Earth's surface. The foliation, or alignment of the mineral grains, indicates that the original rock was subjected to peachy oestrus and pressure deep below the Earth's surface.

Gneiss is quarried for apply as building stone and monuments. You can observe outcrops of gneiss well-nigh Morton (the colorful "Rainbow Gneiss"), Redwood Falls, Sacred Centre, and Ortonville.

Polished section of a gneiss sample.

Polished section of a gneiss sample.

Photograph courtesy of Michael C. Rygel via Wikimedia Eatables

Sample of gneiss.

Sample of gneiss.

Photo courtesy of Kevin Murphy


In Minnesota, greenstone is somewhat younger than the gneiss. Greenstone is a weakly metamorphosed basalt that is green to gray. This type of rock formed about 2.7 billion years ago, when the area that is now northern Minnesota was function of a volcanic island arc, much similar the islands of Nihon are today.

Greenstone and other associated volcanic and related rocks have been prospected for deposits of economical metals such as gold, copper, zinc, lead, and iron. Iron mines formerly operated in Ely and Soudan.

Hand sample of greenstone (metabasalt).

Paw sample of greenstone (metabasalt).

Photo courtesy of James St. John / CC By (

Another sample of greenstone showing grayer color tones.

Another sample of greenstone showing grayer colour tones.

Photograph courtesy of Kevin Murphy


Granite is institute throughout northern and central Minnesota. It varies in age from 2.6 billion years in the Minnesota River valley and northern Minnesota, to about 1.7 billion years near St. Cloud. Minnesota granites are composed predominantly of the minerals feldspar, quartz, mica, and hornblende. These rocks formed deep below the surface in the roots of major mountain ranges. These one time deeply buried rocks are now exposed at or about the surface due to uplift and erosion. Granite is quarried for use equally building stone and monuments. You lot tin find outcrops of granite in Stearns, Pino, and Mille Lacs Counties, and besides in places in northeastern Minnesota, including the Purlieus Waters Canoe Area Wilderness.

Granite from the Giants Range Batholith in the Precambrian of Minnesota.

Granite from the Giants Range Batholith in the Precambrian of Minnesota.

Photo courtesy of James St. John / CC BY (

Sample of granite.

Sample of granite.

Photograph courtesy of Kevin Tater


Graywacke is a poorly sorted and mineralogically complex sandstone derived from sediments that were transported a relatively short distance before being deposited. Short ship and quick burial does non allow for finer-grained cloth to be removed. Thus, graywacke is a "dirty" coarse-grained rock in which the large grains are surrounded past a matrix of finer-grained sediment, and minerals that typically decay are still nowadays.

Graywacke is constitute associated with greenstone in northern Minnesota, with the younger fe germination of the Mesabi range, and southwest of Duluth virtually Cloquet and Thomson.

Graywacke sedimentary rock.

Graywacke sedimentary rock.

Photo courtesy of James St. John / CC BY (

Mica Schist

Just as today, the erosion of ancient rocks produced sediment. These sediments, fine-grained sand and mud, were afterward deformed past the aforementioned forces that caused the uplift of mountains in northern Minnesota. The resulting high temperatures and pressures formed metamorphic rocks chosen schist. Schist is composed predominantly of mica minerals, which impart a platy or layered texture to the stone. Schist is mutual in central and northern Minnesota.

Mica schist sample.

Mica schist sample.

Photo courtesy of Kevin White potato

Mica schist example from the Precambrian of New York.

Mica schist case from the Precambrian of New York.

Photo courtesy of James St. John / CC BY (

Iron germination and Taconite

Sparse layers of atomic number 26 formation occur within other rocks in northern Minnesota. The term is a contraction of "iron-bearing formation," which is a rock having as much as 30 pct atomic number 26 in places. Atomic number 26 formation formed when iron-rich particles precipitated and settled to the sea flooring during quiet periods in volcanic activity. The iron formation nosotros meet today consists of thinly layered red, white, and blackness minerals. The red layers are jasper; the white, chert (mostly quartz); and the black are fe-bearing minerals, mostly magnetite (magnetic) and hematite (nonmagnetic). An example of this type of stone can be seen at Soudan Hush-hush Mine State Park. A similar, but much younger, formation (only one.9 billion years onetime) occurs forth the Mesabi Fe Range that extends from Yard Rapids to Babbitt. This iron formation formed by the same process, but its deposition also involved interplay amongst seawater, surface rainwater, volcanic activity, and some of the Earth'south oldest life forms (cyanobacteria). When upgraded in atomic number 26 content by industrial processing, rocks of the Mesabi range yield an important ore called taconite.

Banded iron formation (or BIF) from the Precambrian of Minnesota.

Banded iron germination (or BIF) from the Precambrian of Minnesota.

Photograph courtesy of Amy Block

Hand sample of banded iron formation.

Hand sample of banded fe germination.

Photo courtesy of Kevin Spud

An example of taconite pebbles from iron ore processing.

An example of taconite pebbles from iron ore processing.

Photograph courtesy of Kevin Potato


Not long subsequently mountains were uplifted across central Minnesota, sand began to accumulate in braided streams in southwestern Minnesota. These stream deposits of reddish quartz sand grains were eventually consolidated and slightly altered into a very difficult rock chosen quartzite.

The reddish to imperial Sioux Quartzite is at the surface about Blueish Mounds State Park and the Jeffers Petroglyphs in southwestern Minnesota. At Pipestone National Monument, a thin mudstone layer is sandwiched between thick layers of quartzite. This mudstone layer is pipestone (catlinite), and is spiritually meaning to Native Americans, who have carved it for centuries.

Outcropping of Sioux Quartzite from the Precambrian of Rock County, Minnesota.

Outcropping of Sioux Quartzite from the Precambrian of Rock County, Minnesota.

Photo courtesy of Marker A. Jirsa

Hand sample of quartzite.

Hand sample of quartzite.

Photo courtesy of Kevin Murphy


Almost one.1 billion years ago, the continent that had been edifice for billions of years began to split apart across what is at present Minnesota. The "Midcontinent Rift" is where the crust began to separate to form a new ocean basin. The same process is currently underway between the African continent and Saudi Arabia. The rifting process stopped short of producing a new ocean basin in central North America, but the abundant night red-brownish basaltic rocks at present exposed along Lake Superior's North Shore are a attestation to the massive outpouring of lava through fractures or cracks along the rift. Gooseberry Falls Land Park is an ideal identify to explore these aboriginal lava flows.

Hand sample of an amygdaloidal basalt.

Mitt sample of an amygdaloidal basalt.

Photo courtesy of Kevin Murphy

Basalt lava flow from the Precambrian of Minnesota.

Basalt lava flow from the Precambrian of Minnesota.

Photo courtesy of James St. John / CC BY (


Gabbro is a silica-poor and Atomic number 26-Mg-rich intrusive stone formed when molten rock is trapped beneath the land surface and cools into a hard, coarsely crystalline mass. It is the intrusive equivalent to basalt. Minnesota's all-time examples of gabbro are in the office of the one.i billion-year-sometime Midcontinent Rift exposed in the large hills in and north of Duluth, known as the Duluth Circuitous.

The stone is dense, nighttime-colored, and contains varied percentages of the minerals plagioclase, pyroxene, and olivine. The Duluth Complex contains extensive, low-grade deposits of copper, nickel, and platinum group elements.

Layered gabbro of the troctolite series in the Duluth Complex of Minnesota.

Layered gabbro of the troctolite series in the Duluth Complex of Minnesota.

Photo courtesy of James St. John / CC By (

Hand sample of gabbro.

Hand sample of gabbro.

Photograph courtesy of Kevin Murphy


Minnesota's land gemstone is the Lake Superior agate—so named considering it is found predominantly along the shore of Lake Superior. Agates formed in cavities in basalt. As mineral-rich water circulated through the cavities, silica (SiO2), or quartz, was deposited in layers along crenel walls. Eventually, the cavities completely filled with this banded variety of quartz. The colour variations are due to slight mineral impurities in the water. Atomic number 26, for instance, acquired much of the ruby and orangish color seen in Lake Superior agates.

Although agates originated in the basaltic rocks along the North Shore, some of the best places to hunt for agates are in gravel pits scattered across the state. Specifically, agates are likely to be found where operators are mining glacial sand and gravel deposits associated with glaciers that advanced into Minnesota from the northeast, bringing agate-bearing gravel into the primal and southern parts of the state.

Lake Superior agate.

Lake Superior agate.

Photograph courtesy of Lech Darski / CC BY-SA (

Another Lake Superior agate sample.

Another Lake Superior agate sample.

Photo courtesy of Kevin Murphy


Similar in composition to rocks on the moon, anorthosite is a fibroid-grained, intrusive igneous stone equanimous almost entirely of a single mineral—plagioclase feldspar.

In Minnesota, anorthosite was intruded into the lowermost lava flows that formed during the opening of the Midcontinent Rift. Anorthosite is part of the Duluth Circuitous and the closely related Beaver Bay Complex exposed forth the N Shore of Lake Superior. Dissever Stone Lighthouse sits atop an outcrop of anorthosite.

Hand sample of anorthosite.

Hand sample of anorthosite.

Photo courtesy of Kevin Murphy

Anorthosite xenolith in the Precambrian of Minnesota.

Anorthosite xenolith in the Precambrian of Minnesota.

Photo courtesy of James St. John / CC Past (


In Minnesota, sandstone and other sedimentary rocks were deposited during the early Paleozoic Era, virtually 500 million years ago. At that fourth dimension, Minnesota was near the equator, and shallow seas covered most of the state. Sediment eroded from upland areas was transported to the seashore, and the coarser-grained sediment eventually formed the sandstones seen today in southern Minnesota. Some of these sandstones are so poorly cemented that the grains tin can be rubbed off with your finger. Every bit the sandstone is eroded, piles of clean quartz sand are formed.

Hand sample of sandstone.

Hand sample of sandstone.

Photo courtesy of Kevin Murphy

Quartzose sandstone of the Upper Cambrian Jordan Sandstone, Stillwater, Minnesota.

Quartzose sandstone of the Upper Cambrian Jordan Sandstone, Stillwater, Minnesota.

Photo courtesy of James St. John / CC BY (

Limestone and Dolostone

Farther offshore, away from sandy areas, effectively-grained sediment accumulated and chemical sediment precipitated to form limestone and a closely related stone called dolostone. In this environment, marine life was arable. Shells and skeletons of various clams, snails, corals, and other animals are preserved in the limestone of southern Minnesota. Limestone is typically tan to gray. Information technology may be massive or bedded in layers with sandstone and shale. In places, fossils tin can readily be found.

Many quarries in southern Minnesota mine and beat limestone for material needed to make physical and asphalt for buildings and roads.

Limestone sample with fossils.

Limestone sample with fossils.

Photograph courtesy of Kevin White potato

Dolostone sample.

Dolostone sample.

Photo courtesy of Kevin Murphy

Carbonate rock sample with fossils from the Ordovician of Minnesota.

Carbonate rock sample with fossils from the Ordovician of Minnesota.

Photo courtesy of Andrew J. Retzler

Shale and Mudstone

Nosotros know from observation along mod coastal zones that fine-grained silt and clay are deposited in calmer water, abroad from the high-energy shoreline. The same situation existed forth ancient coastlines. These muddied sediments somewhen form shale and mudstone. The Paleozoic shale layers in southeastern Minnesota are thin and inconspicuous. The rock is soft, greyness to green-gray, splits into ragged chips, and converts easily back to mud when soaked in water. Shale of Cretaceous historic period (about fourscore million years old) is used to make bricks and tiles near Springfield.

Outcropping of Ordovician Glenwood Shale in Minnesota.

Outcropping of Ordovician Glenwood Shale in Minnesota.

Photograph courtesy of Julia R. Steenberg

Glacial Deposits

Above Minnesota's rocks are sediments, more often than not glacial sediments that were deposited relatively recently, within the last 2 1000000 years, when water ice repeatedly covered the state. Glaciers passed over all the various rocks described here and ground them up. Those sediments, now particles of gravel, sand, silt, and clay, are distributed in a thick blanket that covers most of Minnesota'southward underlying bedrock. When you choice up a rock near anywhere in the state, the chances are good that it has been transported from somewhere else by glaciers.

Although not a stone today, the glacial debris that covers much of the land may eventually become consolidated into a rock called diamictite. The process will probably have hundreds of thousands of years, and during that time, the processes of weathering volition continue to erode and modify the surface that we see today.

Till sample from a core drilled in Dodge County, Minnesota.

An example of glacial diamictite (or till) from a cadre drilled in Dodge County, Minnesota.

Photo courtesy of Katherine J. Marshall


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